Saturday, July 26, 2014

" Working With Business To Find Solutions"

  During the provincial by election I  worked to bring the Premier of Ontario to Fort Erie, to hear the concerns of our local business people. The Premier heard a great deal of the hardships that our local employers have faced over the years ranging from the high  cost of power to over regulation .The Premier was also challenged to cut government red tape that had caused delays in development in Fort Erie.
 If elected I will follow up on the discussions made at that meeting to make sure  that Queens Park makes every effort to work through their issues and helps them with some solid solutions to the problems they face on a daily basis.
 My  campaign is based on " Putting People First " and should I be elected that's exactly what I'll do. We need to make sure our local industries and business people get every advantage they can from the Province of Ontario , so they can grow , so they can continue to be profitable in our community , so they continue to maintain the jobs we now have and increase that number going forward !!
 This campaign is about electing councillors that have the background and experience in making things happen and I certainly know how to do that. On election day Vote For Change and a New Direction. Vote for the candidate that will " Put You First " .Elect George McDermott Your Next Councillor For Ward One !!

Thursday, July 24, 2014


                 COUNCILLOR WARD ONE

I will fight to improve our roads and our aging infrastructure. I will look to enhance our public parks to make them more family friendly.
I pledge to be a good steward of the public trust , looking to cut wasteful or unnecessary spending.
My platform is committed to the updating and the implementation of the Bridgeburg Neighborhood Plan. It is clear to me that in doing so we can stimulate growth as well as improve the quality of life for our citizens.
If elected I will work with council and the EDTC to find new and creative ways to grow our tax base .It is without question that we need new residents to share our taxes with and to sustain our business districts.
I will work with council to clear the pathway for the Canadian Motor Speedway as this project will have a huge economic impact on our community. I will also lend whatever support I can to move forward on the Marina Project and the Kinsman Pool also key elements in improving our community .
I am dedicated to " Putting The Needs Of The People First " and these are my first five commitments.

To Join The McDermott Team 

To Make An Appointment To Speak With George
Call 905-871-0356 and leave a message
Your call will be answered within an hour

To Donate To The Campaign

Make Cheques Payable To

The George McDermott Campaign
163 Battery St.
Fort Erie Ontario
L2A 3M2

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Growth and Development Part 2

I believe it goes without saying that our next council must act as a cohesive unit over the next four years if we are to be successful in moving our community forward economically.
We need to make sure that our planning processes produce long term community benefits and make sure that we are taking advantage of both Federal and Provincial programs that partner with municipalities in the areas of infrastructure . transportation and economic development.
The next council should review the towns economic performance over the past four years with the EDTC so we can have the discussion on the best way to move forward in growing our tax base .There are many candidates registered who could really add to that conversation because of their business background or knowledge of  how the economy works , so I am sure there would be no shortage of positive ideas.
                                           We have to restore the trust of developers and investors in our town council. Over the past four years we have seen developers and business people alike come to council in mass to state their displeasure with the direction this past council has taken .Most of this has fallen on deaf ears. The next council needs to listen , then they need to be responsive ,and then they have to follow through on their commitment. It is clear if business people and developers do not invest in Fort Erie , it's the taxpayer that will pay higher taxes and get little or nothing in return. The next council must repair the damage to this relationship , no question about it.
                                           Over the next weeks and months I will continue to post on a regular basis about the issues that both you and I face every day. I am trying to show you in these posts on how I will " Put People First " if you elect me Councillor in Ward One .Your comments are always welcomed !! Have A Great Summer !!!! George

Saturday, July 19, 2014

" Putting People First In Ward One"

Sometime in election campaigns, the simple things we as taxpayers learn to expect from our municipality get totally overlooked. I am sure that will not be the case in the upcoming Ward One race. I am under the assumption that we will see more candidates jump in this race very shortly and let the ideas and the debate begin !!
I know that I will run on a platform of improving our public parks ,and the conditions of our roads in the north end , I believe we have to do better and I will fight for our wards fair share of projects dedicated to improving  both. I believe in neighborhood plans as they were brought about by stakeholders who thought they were taking part in a process that was going to make a positive difference in their community. Neighborhood Plans are meant to glean results , generate progress  and enhance the quality of life  of it's citizens and if elected  I will  pursue to get the Bridgeburg Neighborhood Plan off the shelf and on its way to implementation. I will be a good steward of the public trust , looking to cut waste and unnecessary spending, and always looking for more cost effective ways of doing business. I will continue to have a watchful eye on Fort Erie's healthcare something that I have been involved in for the past number of years. We have worked hard to get the point of the Planning Document for the New Hospital and 2 UCC's and it is my hope that as soon as that document is finished  we can put an all out push to get this built and in a timely fashion.
                                    There are very many issues that we face and I think I have mentioned all of them all on my Campaign Facebook Page. In the next few weeks and days the discussions will begin. I am committed to Putting People First in this campaign and I will govern myself in that fashion. It is my hope that when this campaign is all said and done that you will support my platform and elect me as your councillor.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

" The Listening Tour Continues "

   I have spent the past week listening to residents of Ward One who have been more than generous in giving me their insights and thoughts on the upcoming municipal campaign. I have heard the words it's time for a change more often than not and that tells me that this campaign is beginning to draw the interest of the electorate even at this early stage .
  There is so much to consider over the next few months .Many issues will revolve around this campaign and the candidates that have decided to put there name forward. There will be discussions about devising plans on the long term economic growth of this community ,the education of our youth or taking full advantage of Federal and Provincial programs to help replace our aging infrastructure. We will need to be proactive on encouraging the Province to make the new hospital and  2 UCC's a reality , and  urge them to reassess the problems that revolve around our industrial land . We need long term Provincial solutions with regards to funding the Fort Erie Racetrack and should be insisting that we are treated like any other track in Ontario which of course at this time we are not. We need to restore fairness and equity on this issue. This next council will have to restore the faith of investors , developers and business people alike who over the past four years have been to council on more than one occasion stating their displeasure on one issue or another.
  Over the next number of weeks more candidates will come forward for every seat that is available. It is then up to the voter to ask all of the questions that they need to make an informed decision. From what I have heard and seen over the past week , many of the people I have spoke with are already informed and are not afraid to tell you that .
  I have certainly enjoyed the education I have been getting since February as I have learned something new everyday and I suspect that will be the case until the end of the campaign. I will continue to push forward my message that if elected I will `Put People First `in every decision I make as I believe this is the type of leadership that our community needs and wants and has been longing for over the past four years.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Back In February I announced my intention to run as a candidate for councillor in Ward One. Since my announcement I have been out in the community listening to residents and business people and talking about the issues that face us day to day. Most people believe as I that  change is necessary and that the next council must take a new direction in order for Fort Erie to reach its full potential.
Placing your X on a ballot in the municipal election is probably the most important vote that you will ever make. The vote has a direct impact on our quality of life and it's a our closest form of government. The fact is every decision made by council good or bad will effect every member of the community so informing yourself on who is the best candidate for your ward is very important to all concerned.
  It is clear that as a community we need to grow in both the commercial and residential sectors to increase our tax base. We continue to need new residents to share our taxes with and to sustain our business districts who have been patiently waiting for an economic revival.
  The recession had not been kind to Fort Erie as we have seen job losses and business closings. We continue to see higher rates at the gas pump , and increases in natural gas and electric power and our grocery bills today about 20% more. If you elect me your next councillor from Ward One I promise I will " Put People First " and be a good financial steward of the public trust as our electorate already has a great deal on their financial plate.
  I bring a solid resume of Municipal Board experience and have been very successful at advocating on Fort Erie issues at Queens Park. I also have a 45 year volunteer background in youth sports and community programs and have been fortunate enough to be honored with the Queens Diamond Jubilee  Medal for Community Service.
 I hold no party memberships although I have worked for all three parties over the years. I am an independent thinker and consensus builder and it's my hope that I can put my skills to work as the next Councillor in Ward One.
 I cannot win this election without the support of others. Our campaign need donors to help get our message out to the public .If you feel so inclined donations from $10.00 -$750.00 ( max )  will be gratefully accepted by our campaign and can be sent to the address below. We also need volunteers to help us canvas , make phone calls ,and to work Election Day .The campaign is also taking orders for lawn signs .You can volunteer of order your sign by simply emailing us at
 It is my hope that we can move this community forward in a very significant way over the next four years. If I am given the opportunity to serve on council I can assure everyone concerned I will always be available and I will always" Put People First "

Thank You For Your Consideration


Donations Can Be Sent To

The George McDermott Campaign
163 Battery St.
Fort Erie Ontario
L2A 3M2

Tuesday, July 1, 2014


 I would like to take this time to wish all of our citizens a very Happy Canada Day !! It goes without saying that I have always been proud to be a Canadian as we live in the most wonderful country in the world. Canada Day is a day that we celebrate our diversity , our pride, our patriotism and our democracy and the caring and tolerance that we show to each other each and every day. It is a day that we can celebrate the volunteer spirit of Canadians and their acheivements ,It is also a day that many new citizens to this country will be sworn in as new Canadians and I congratulate them and welcome them to the Canadian family, For all of those that celebrate today please remember those veterans that paved the way to our freedom and made this country what it is today. Have a great safe day celebrating and God Bless Canada the greatest country in the world !!!